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Consumer Electronics Manufacturers have critical Look at their Marketing Investments.

The modern marketing techniques today seem to be available for any brand, regardless of how well known it is. The truth about online marketing is that the investments are significant and that only the well known brands are starting from a privileged position. Brands which are not well known have to undertake significant marketing investments.

This is why no name manufacturers are considering more and more to cover this gap by pairing their products with a Brand License of an already established brand.

Strong brands have grown in importance for customers. In times of product shortages well known brands seem to have an advantage over unknown ones. Customers are willing to accept longer delivery times for products they know and trust and to pay a premium price

SCHAUB LORENZ International is offering brand licenses for all categories of consumer electronics and technology products for over 90 territories. The iconic German brand has been established 1880 and has since then been present in every German household, offering the most innovative products of each time. It is the best way for a quality product to land directly in the minds of demanding consumers.

Manufacturers and distributors in this popular industry can choose among various licensing options in order to gain much desired access to the huge German market. The company’s team is ready to discuss with applicants and to find customised solutions.

SCHAUB LORENZ is also introducing a new approach to licensing, offering additional services to support licensees in the markets they want to access. Deep knowledge on modern marketing, commercial and distribution strategies help any partner to succeed in a market that still bares a lot of opportunities.

Learn more about getting started

The SCHAUB LORENZ team is ready to consult manufacturers and distributors of quality products on how to succeed in markets in over 99 territories all over the world. The services offered go far beyond licensing and include consulting and implementation of modern marketing and sales strategies.

Get in touch with us today filling out a form on our website

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