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Selecting a Brand License. Taking Key Decisions for your Market Success.

A Brand License, when implemented in the right way, is a highly effective path to quickly win over a market. For a manufacturer or a distributor it can be tricky though to identify the right criteria for the choice of the right Brand License.

Big Brand Legacy

Your primary goal - leverage on the brand awareness of a brand that has been well known for a while. Historical brands which have been imprinted in the minds of consumers for generations promise the best results

Matching Brand Values

Products and product categories change through time. Your product might be new and innovative and have not existed in the past. The focus of the licensee has to be on finding a license brand which is built on values which last through time. Quality and Innovation are examples for values which last through time and therefor match your current offering.

Affinity to targeted Markets A license brand which might have been well known in a restricted market area or in a market with little international reach is difficult to be used in other markets. Choose to get a license of a brand with global significance. It will be easier to design an international market strategy with a brand that has no restrictions.

Adaptability to multiple Product Categories

Want to keep your options open for future expansion to other product categories? Then the brand of choice should be known for multiple categories in the past or be easily adapted to your expanding business.

Flexible Licensing models

One size fits all does surely not apply to the world of licensing. Business opportunities are different from case to case and require a flexible model. Depending on the territories you want to cover, the length of your product's life, the composition of your product range and your very business model you should be able to get the customized solution you need

Services offered by the Licensor

Modern licensing agreements have to go far beyond the simple transfer of the rights to use a brand. Manufacturers and distributors should aim at finding a partner who can supply important services in the fields of marketing, brand building, sales activation, digital communication or online business development

A worldwide Network

Licensees with multiple agreements in various territories and product categories can be of great advantage if you want to leverage on an existing network. Numerous synergies can be forged and cooperation with other partners initiated. In that way licensees become part of a large family of partners with enormous potential.

The case of Schaub Lorenz International

The Brand has a history of over 140 years of innovation and German quality standards. It is already well known for it's smart and flexible Licensing Model. The company is now offering a range of advanced services which help licensees to fully expand their success.

The brand has developed marketing strategies which can be adapted to any product line in consumer electronics and to any market. It uses all available media and techniques tactically placing them within a successful conversion funnel.

An expert team helps every licensee to to find the best strategy in order to best leverage on the power of the SCHAUB LORENZ License. Partners can even contact the Consulting Team before entering an agreement.

Learn more about getting started

The SCHAUB LORENZ team is ready to consult manufacturers and distributors of quality products on how to succeed in markets in over 99 territories all over the world. The services offered go far beyond licensing and include consulting and implementation of modern marketing and sales strategies.

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